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Meat can not only be a delicious meal, it is also packed with a lot of different nutrients. Depending on what type of meat you decide to consume, you are getting various types of positive nutrients that your body can use in various ways. From amino acids to b-vitamins, nutrients all positively impact the body’s different systems. The following are some of the nutrients found in meats.



Vitamin B6 and B12 are abundant in meat. Vitamin B6 is an essential piece of the enzyme system that converts the amino acid tryptophan to niacin. Humans need this vitamin to properly intake protein. B6 is not just found in meat, it is also found whole grain bread, vegetables, beans, and peas.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of DNA deoxyribonucleic acids. In essence, this a key ingredient to natural cell development. This is one vitamin that is only found in foods of animal origin. This is a vitamin that many vegans and vegetarians supplement in their diet. As well, those who have Anemia have the inability to properly absorb vitamin B12 from their diet. They must take vitamin B12 injections in order to allow their bodies to absorb it. Veal, liver, beef, and lamb are meat that is especially rich in B12.


Amino Acids

These acids are needed to make protein. 22 specific amino acids are needed to build the proteins found in muscles, red blood cells and you are a general immune system. Your body can only produce 13 of the 22 needed amino acids. The other 9 need to be consumed by your diet. You can obtain those 9 amino acids from plant-based foods but only animal protein contains all 9 essential amino acids.



This nutrient works in tandem with other B-vitamins to promote and maintain various chemical reactors necessary to promote your body’s growth. It also plays a part in regulating the metabolic reactions that create energy within the body. A lack of Thiamin can result in fatigue, depression, and loss of appetite.



This nutrient is key to for the release of energy from carbs, fats, and proteins. It aids in keeping a body’s vision and skin healthy. It is also ket in the management of iron in the body. The two best sources of riboflavin are liver and brewer’s years. Other meat and poultry are also sources of riboflavin.