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Protein is synonymous with meat, exercise, dieting, and energy. It is an essential component of sustaining a healthy life and diet. Meat is an excellent source of protein and utilizing a proper amount of meat in your diet also gives you the protein you need. It is considered to be a macronutrient, which falls under the same category of carbohydrates and fats. A macronutrient essentially means that you need large amounts of it to stay healthy. The differences in protein are that your body does not store it like would with fat or carbohydrates.  Protein is a component of every cell in your body so it important to manage your protein intake properly.


Different Sources

Protein can come from various different sources. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, and others are excellent sources of protein. When the body breaks down protein when digested, the leave of amino acids which is necessary for the function of the body. Most protein is derived from animal sources such as milk, meat, and eggs. Milk, for example, contains whey which is a complete protein found in milk that contains all of the needed amino acids for your body.


Physical Benefits

There are many different physical benefits to maintaining a healthy protein-based diet. For example, if you exercise regularly, it will allow your body to recover much faster. It will also help your body maintain a healthy weight and curb your hunger. It also helps maintain and reduce overall muscle loss.



Meat is also still one of the best natural sources of energy. It is also an amazing source of iron which if you have a low amount of, can give you low energy, especially if you are anemic. The reason why it gives you energy is that iron is needed to make red blood cells which then deliver oxygen from your lungs, brain, and other important organs.

At the end of the day, even on serving of beef can give you about 20 percent of your daily recommended intake of iron. A low protein diet can directly influence how your mood is and your overall energy for a given day.